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Fəxrəddin Qədirov: Redaktələr arasındakı fərq

6.968 bayt əlavə edildi ,  26 may 2020
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Onun elmi rəhbərliyi ilə 12 elmlər namizədi və 1 elmlər doktoru hazırlanmış və hazırda 4 doktorantın elmi rəhbəridir. F.Qədirov bir sıra elmi cəmiyyətlərin, o cümlədən Avropa Geoloq Alim və Mühəndislər Assosiasiyasının (EAGE), Amerika Geofiziklər İttifaqının (təşkilatının) (AGU), Amerika Neftçi-Geoloqlar İttifaqının (AAPG) üzvüdür.
Onun elmi rəhbərliyi ilə 12 elmlər namizədi və 1 elmlər doktoru hazırlanmış və hazırda 4 doktorantın elmi rəhbəridir. F.Qədirov bir sıra elmi cəmiyyətlərin, o cümlədən Avropa Geoloq Alim və Mühəndislər Assosiasiyasının (EAGE), Amerika Geofiziklər İttifaqının (təşkilatının) (AGU), Amerika Neftçi-Geoloqlar İttifaqının (AAPG) üzvüdür.
International Association of Geodesy
a Constituent Association of International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
Gy. Tóth | 2020-04-15
April 2020
General Announcements
• '''In Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Academician, Professor Fakhraddin A. Kadirov
General Announcements'''
In Celebration of the 70th Birthday of Academician, Professor Fakhraddin A. Kadirov
Academician, Professor Fakhraddin A. Kadirov (Gadirov) was born on July 19, 1950 in Sheki region, Azerbaijan. In 1972 he graduated from the physics faculty of the Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University), received his PhD in Geophysics in 1984, his DSc degree in Geophysics in 2002 in Azerbaijan and professorship of Geophysics in 2007. In 2007 he was elected as a corresponding member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), and in 2014 a full (active) member of ANAS. He started his academic career since 1974 in the "Gravimetry" laboratory of the Institute of Geology (now Geology and Geophysics Institute) of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS). Before that, he was in full time physics teacher’s position at Baku State University, Azerbaijan. Besides, he was a professor at the "Earthquake Research Center" of Ataturk University, Turkey in 1992-1995, and at the "Geophysical Engineering" department of the Black Sea Technical University, Turkey in 1996-1998 within the framework of the mutual scientific agreement between Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and Educational Council of the Republic of Turkey. At Geology Institute, he headed "Gravimetry" laboratory during 1989-2003, "Geotectonics and geodynamics" department in 2005-2007, the department of "Geodynamics and seismology" in 2008-2015, and since 2015 newly formed “Geodynamics and space geodesy” department. Since 2008 until the present time, Professor Kadirov is the head of the Earth Physics section of the Institute. He is also presently the head of the Azerbaijan National Information Center of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO), which operates by Geology and Geophysics Institute of ANAS.
Academician Kadirov is one of the most outstanding scientists-geophysicists in Azerbaijan today. He also ranks as one of the most prominent geodynamicists in the country. He has made immense contributions of great significance to several facets of geophysics, tectonic geodesy and geodynamics. He wrote many important papers and reviews on these subjects. Having returned from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) between 2000 and 2001, he launched GPS technology in Azerbaijan, applying it in studying the geodynamic and kinematic conditions of the Caucasus-Caspian region, geodynamic safety of oil and gas fields and energy corridors within the concept of plate tectonics.
Professor Kadirov’s contributions to geophysics cover a wide range of topics that include numerical analysis of geophysical fields and study of spatio-temporal distribution of regularities in geophysics. His immense contributions helped in the understanding of important phenomena and relationships in modern crustal movements of the Caucasus-Caspian region, modern kinematics and modeling of depth structure. His research in the study of earthquakes and faults by fractal and statistical methods is significant.
He has proposed the existence of the Caucasus plate and its counterclockwise rotation, and a new geodynamic model of the territory of Azerbaijan based on the concept of plate tectonics. Based on the analysis of gravimetric observations, he has shown fluctuations occurred in the variations of the gravitational field before a strong earthquake. He has been theoretically working on the study of the processes of gravitational equilibrium in the sedimentary layers of the oil and gas areas of Azerbaijan and has developed a model of convection and activation of mud volcanoes within fluid migration.
His long and illustrious career has led to about 250 research papers, including monograph "Model of gravitational field and depth structure of Azerbaijan" published in Russian, "Geology of Azerbaijan", volumes IV, V and VII, “Hydrocarbon systems of the South Caspian Basin” in English. He is co-author of the two-volume “Geosciences of Azerbaijan” and other books published by Springer Publishing House, as well as gravitational map of the Caspian region. His works are widely cited in well-known international peer-reviewed journals. Many honors and awards have been conferred on Professor Kadirov during the years of his dedication to science and research. In 2010 he has been awarded the certificate of honor of ANAS and in 2015 he has been awarded the Order of Glory from the President of Azerbaijan. He has been awarded honorary professor degree of «Seismology and the physics of the Earth» department of the geology faculty from his alma mater Baku State University. He has built many departments of great quality in Geology and Geophysics Institute of ANAS, has trained 14 PhDs and 2 DScs in geophysics.
He is a fellow of all the major academies of the world including the European Association of Geologists and Engineers (EAGE), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), the American Geophysical Union (AGU), the European Union of Earth Sciences (EGU) and the Azerbaijan Geophysical Society. Since 2009, he has been the national representative of the International Geodesy Association of Azerbaijan National Committee of IUGG, and the head of Scientific Council of Geodesy and Geophysics of the International Association of Academies of Sciences (in Russian, MAAN).
He is also the Deputy Editor of ANAS Transactions, Earth Sciences journal published in Azerbaijan, a member of editorial board of "Seismic Observations in Azerbaijan", “Geophysics News in Azerbaijan”, "Journal of Engineering Sciences" of Pamukkale University and reviewer of European "Geophysical Prospecting" and "Geodynamics" and others. Academician Kadirov has been a project manager in many international and local consortia in Azerbaijan. He has repeatedly delivered scientific reports at international scientific conferences in the United States and Europe, and has been awarded a number of scientific grants from the US National Science Foundation, NSF, CRDF, STCU, EAGE and others.
During 2013-2019, academician Kadirov was a member of the Presidium of ANAS and academic secretary of the Department of Earth Sciences Division of ANAS. Presently, he is the Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council of Earth Sciences Division of ANAS. In 2020, Professor Kadirov was appointed Director of the Institute of Oil and Gas Institute by the decision of the Board of ANAS.
The most important and characteristic point of academician, professor Kadirov is his ability to think aiming to generate new ideas and concepts which are truly original.
Gulam Babayev

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